Despite my constant praise for many of the Lush products, there’s also products that I really do not like. This is of course inevitable, but I thought it would be fun to share my experience with some of the products. In this post I will show you which Lush products I will never buy again. 😖

If there’s one product that I never want to smell again, it’s Dark Angels. The pungent scent made me nauseous. I once bought it, thinking it would be great for my skin, but as soon as I put it on my face, I couldn’t get to the bathroom fast enough to immediately rinse it off. The strong, disgusting charcoal odor penetrated deep into my nostrils, leaving me gagging. I could swear that three days later, I could still smell charcoal everywhere. I never want that shit near my nose ever again.

Ahh, look at all those soaps! They look so nice. And even though I think they smell amazing, I hate using them. I have a few Lush soaps though, but purely for its scents. Have you ever wondered why I never review soap? It’s because I simply don’t use them. They make my skin feel squeaky clean, which I think is a horrible feeling. I know my father swears by it, he doesn’t feel clean until the (natural) greasy layer is off his skin. That’s just terrible, in my opinion. And a lot of soaps from Lush don’t lather, which I find odd. I don’t even use the soaps for my hands, as they’re slippery when wet and go flying in every direction.

This scrub is GREAT, especially if you want to get rid of your epidermis. Just give it a few rubs, and gone is your epidermis. Nah, these scrubs ain’t my thing.

Jelly bombs. I have tried four jelly bombs but I just can’t deal with ’em. Floating in a tub filled with chunks of snot? No thank you. I’d rather jump into a ditch filled with frog spawn, although I have the feeling that’s exactly the same as a ‘jelly bomb bath’.

Although I love the smell of Yog Nog, this body lotion was horrible on my skin. In the container it smelled like whipped cream and vanilla, very creamy and sweet scent. But once on my skin, the smell started to shift to a curry scent. And people who know me, know that I loathe curry. Curry needs to be banned. It needs to stay away from my food as far as possible. So yeah, this product didn’t stay with me for a long time.

Metamorphosis Bath Bomb isn’t a bath bomb that I would purchase again. Although I think mine was just a bit off, it just wasn’t cool to float in a tub looking like a ditch full of piss. It also stained like hell, so I had to scrub and clean my tub afterwards. SCRUB AND CLEAN. THE HORROR. Can I speak to the manager?
Disclaimer: Everything in this article is based on my personal opinion and does not have to correspond with the reality of the product. Ttake this post with a pinch of salt!

Haha, nooit leuk om toe te geven dat bepaalde spulletjes van je favoriete merk toch wat minder zijn;-) Des te leuker dus, dit artikel! Oeh, jammer dat de geur van Yog Nog eenmaal op je huid zo tegenvalt, dat zou voor mij ook een afknapper zijn!
It’s amazing how different our senses of smell are. Dark Angel’s smell happen to be one of my most favorites. I love earthy scents and used to buy a few containers of this and leave it opened in my bathroom and den just for the earthy scent. I must admit that the Scrub is a bit greasy for me but when it’s fresh, it’s not too bad. As for the soaps, I love the Fresh Pharmacy, maypole, Christmas Cranberry and a couple of others but they are a hit or miss with me.