I’ve been in love with Lush’s scrubs lately. I’ve always had a deep-rooted love for Lush scrubs, but some of their new scrubs seem to have a different texture, which I love even more than the regular liquid ones. I’ve been obsessed with The Old Songs Are Waking, but I’ve found myself to keep buying the newer scrubs whenever they’re released. Today I’ll be reviewing another sugar scrub for you, which is one from the delicious and mouth-watering smelling Sticky Dates scent family.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

While browsing for Mother’s Day goodies in the UK webshop, I couldn’t help but notice how cute this bath bomb was. Initially I expected this bath bomb to have a herbal scent, but I was way off! This bath bomb actually shares its scent with a bath bomb from the Harajuku range, years ago. If you’re curious to know which one, and how I liked this bath bomb, keep on reading.