
Have you ever seen a cute, sleepy robot like this? Ickle Bot is one of the 28 new bath bombs that Lush recently launched, and as a lavender fan, I had to buy it. Work has been stressful lately and since I can’t snort a few lines of lavender buds, I’ll have to try other ways to relax. Let’s see if Ickle Bot can get the job done!

Chances are you’re looking at this bubble bar and thinking by yourself: “What the hell is it?” Well, I wasn’t not too sure either. Apparently Akaname means “filth licker” and it’s a demon from Japanese folklore, ‘stated to lick the filth that collects in bathtubs and bathrooms.’ Well, doesn’t that sound fun. At least this little goblin looks cuter than the goblins I found on Google Images while Googling ‘Akaname’. Yeah, don’t Google it. Just don’t.
If you’re curious about this bubble bar, then keep on reading.

If it’s purple and blue and it has a mermaid tail on top, I need it — I can assure you. I didn’t really care about the scent or price as well, I know a cute bubble bar when I see one. I decided I needed a bunch of these in my life, but before I’m bulk buying, I’m going to see how I like this cutie.
If you’re curious about this bubble bar, then keep on reading!

Somehow, it’s always the bath bombs that I use the most, that have not yet been reviewed on my blog. While Sex bomb is a huge favorite of mine, I found myself to have never reviewed it. Same goes for Twilight, which is an all-time favorite and my stash always contains a few of these lovely bath bombs. Lately I’ve been more into lavender again, and of course Twilight is a winner when it comes to lavender-scented baths. It’s time for a review–bring on that peaceful slumber!
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

Have you ever seen such a cool bath bomb? Well, just wait until you see it in the bath! This bath bomb has completely won me over, being one of my favorites now. I shit you not! And the idea behind it is just as cool as this bath bomb’s appearance. Keep on reading and I’ll tell you everything about this beauty!

A few weeks ago, when I was about to leave my home to do some groceries, the mail man stopped in front of my house. He handed me a Lush parcel, but.. I didn’t order anything? Or did I? Was I loosing my mind? When I unpacked it, the first thing I saw was a note that was included, saying it was a gift — from a very sweet Lush employee in the UK! (Thank you again, lovely!) So sweet, and it made me so happy. This cute penguin was one of the products that was inside. I love ‘animal bath bombs’, but especially penguins are awesome. Today we’re both diving into the tub!
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

If you ask me why I love Lush’s Christmas range so much, I can be very short about it: Golden Wonder and Shoot for the Stars. These two bath bombs are the real winners for me, for years now. These two bath bombs never let me down, and with every sale, I stock up like crazy on those two. So I was kind of surprised when I saw Shoot for the Stars didn’t have its own review! and if there’s one bath bomb that deserves some loving review, it’s this one.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

Good morning Lushies! Another day, another bath bomb review. Did you know this is my 31st Harajuku bath bomb review?! Seriously, I reviewed 31 out of 54 bath bombs. That’s insane. And there’s still 8 more waiting to be reviewed. After that, I’m done. Broke. Officially declared bankrupt. Living under a bridge, probably 😂💸 But before we get there, I’m gonna show you this stunning blue butterfly.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

I’ll admit I wasn’t that enthusiastic about the Father’s Day range this year. It just wasn’t that fascinating, especially in contrast to the Mother’s Day range — which contained about 73 colorful and lovely scented bath bombs. In the Father’s Day range are a few bath bombs that I want need to use though, I had already started with Crazy Train bath bomb. Today I’ll tell you all about the Dear John bath bomb!
If you’re curious about whether giving your father this bath bomb or rather a pair of socks, then keep on reading.

The bath bomb that I’m going to review today, is from my second Harajuku haul. First I ordered about 11 bath bombs from the Harajuku range, then later another 6, including this one. The second order I made was a bit of a “shit I actually wanted this” order. I had to have Moon Spell. Pink and baby blue, my two favorite colors! And how cool is that moon shape? Both halves also interlock, which is pretty cool, if you ask me. So, today I will introduce you to Moon Spell.
If you’re curious, keep on reading!