body scrub

When I received this product, I could’ve sworn it’s a soap. It wasn’t till I looked up the ingredients for this blog post that I saw it’s actually a body scrub! I love body scrubs and I rarely use soaps by Lush, so I’m happy. Today I’ll be reviewing this product, so if you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

If you’d ask me what my favorite scent by Lush is, I’d hesitate between answering Intergalactic and Celebrate. They’re both amazing scents, and I’m obsessed with getting every product that’s ever been made with this scent. Luckily, the lovely Laura (@glitterybaths) would sell me her Intergalactic Body Scrub, because she isn’t a big fan of the Intergalactic scent. It’s not for sale at the moment, but I’m hoping it will be someday.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

If there’s one thing I can’t live without, it’s a good scrub. Despite my inactiveness the past few years, I always kept using body scrubs by Lush because I simply LOVE them. My favorites are Orange body scrub and Magic Crystals body scrub, but I’m always trying out new scrubs. When I saw The Old Songs Are Waking, I was instantly in love at the pretty texture. Today I’ll be reviewing this beauty!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

When I got back to blogging, I had to order some new stuff to review. Since I hadn’t tried new stuff in about 2,5 years, I had no idea what’s good and what’s not. Ordering Co-Mingle was quite a risk, since it’s only available in a big pot which cost me 25 euros! But it was the word lavender that made me buy it. Today I’ll be reviewing this product, so you know wether to buy it or not.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

There aren’t a lot of things that can wake me up in the morning. Not even the alarm clock can do the job. Thank God my boyfriend wakes me up, although it takes awhile before I eventually open my eyes. Once out of bed, I drag myself to the shower, only to lean against the wall with my eyes closed, half sleeping. No, waking up is not my thing. Fortunately, Lush has some amazing products for mornings like these! Cup O’ Coffee used to be my favorite, but right now, I’ve completely fallen in love with Easy Peeler. The scent doesn’t just wake me up — it also makes me happy. And THAT is impressive, seeing as I normally don’t crack a smile before having my cup of black coffee.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Yesterday I told you that not only six new shower gels were launched for the Community Favourites, but also a Cookie Dough scrub. And no, not the lip scrub! But a real, delicious and buttery body scrub. So if you have always wanted to indulge yourself in batter, then keep on reading. It was the product I was most curious about, so it was the first product I took with me to the bathroom. Resulting in this review today.

Do you like it Dirty? Good, because today I’m going to talk about a body scrub that makes you squeaky clean. Throw away your dish sponges and get to know this Liverpool exclusive, which is now also temporarily for sale in the Lush Labs. And if you’re curious whether to buy this product or to skip it, make sure you keep on reading!