clove bud

This month’s Lush Kitchen box was filled with Halloween goodies, and one of them was Demon in the Shower, a loved retro product amongst oldschool Lushies. This spooky shower gel contains peppermint and apple, which sounds like an amazing combination. Today you can read all about it!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.

What’s the best, spicy shower gel by Lush? Without a doubt it’s Hot Toddy. Okay, I loved Glögg more, but they’ve discontinued that one. And since Hot Toddy comes pretty close, it’s no wonder I had to grab me a bottle of this spicy goodness. I still had half a bottle, but yeah, you know how it goes. You cherish those products, you don’t use them. But now I can finally indulge myself with Hot Toddy while it’s -1 °C or less outside.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

If there’s one product that I’m very curious about, it is the Yog Nog shower gel. I am a big fan of the Yog Nog scent, ever since the first soap came out in 2014. It would inevitable that they would release a shower gel one day, as this scent family has built up a large fan base over the years. This shower gel was in the advent calendar that I bought, and today I’ll tell you all about it!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!