
PLEASE READ: This review was originally written in 2013 on my Dutch blog. I have translated this blog post, and also altered some of the information in this review since a lot of things changed since 2013. Even though I try to create a good blog post for you, please note that there can be some information that’s outdated or different nowadays. It’s also a strong possibility that the appearances of the products have changed since then.
My all time favorite body lotion by Lush? Celebrate! This limited edition product keeps making its way back into the Christmas range. Which isn’t odd, since it’s amaaazing. Today I’ll tell you all about this festive body lotion!

There will always be products that others swear by, but of which you’ve never understood the hype. For me it was Ocean Salt. It’s not that I dislike it, but it just never seal-iously grabbed my attention. Like the name suggests, this scrub is packed with ingredients of which I’m shore they’re good for your skin. Today I shell tell you all about this scrub.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Chances are you’re looking at this bubble bar and thinking by yourself: “What the hell is it?” Well, I wasn’t not too sure either. Apparently Akaname means “filth licker” and it’s a demon from Japanese folklore, ‘stated to lick the filth that collects in bathtubs and bathrooms.’ Well, doesn’t that sound fun. At least this little goblin looks cuter than the goblins I found on Google Images while Googling ‘Akaname’. Yeah, don’t Google it. Just don’t.
If you’re curious about this bubble bar, then keep on reading.

ZAP! A wild bubble bar appears! It uses move glow in the dark — it’s very effective! Okay, enough with the Pokemon-nerdiness. But how cool is this bubble bar? The shape, the scent, the glow in the dark part — they really did a great job at Lush HQ. Though it’s not the glow in the dark part that convinced me to buy this bubble bar, it was the lovely Calacas scent. Today I’m reviewing this bubble bar for you!
If you’re curious about this bubble bar, then keep on reading.

What’s the best, spicy shower gel by Lush? Without a doubt it’s Hot Toddy. Okay, I loved Glögg more, but they’ve discontinued that one. And since Hot Toddy comes pretty close, it’s no wonder I had to grab me a bottle of this spicy goodness. I still had half a bottle, but yeah, you know how it goes. You cherish those products, you don’t use them. But now I can finally indulge myself with Hot Toddy while it’s -1 °C or less outside.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

It’s the season of pumpkins, ghost stories, trick ‘r treat, horror movies, and.. glitter. Because what is a typical Halloween bath without glitters?! That’s why Lush decided to bring back Sparkly Pumpkin bubble bar, making its appearance once again this Halloween. It’s a classic in the Halloween range since 2014, and today I’ll show you why!
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

What do you do when you’re feeling moody and meh? You take a warm, nice bath with your all time favorite bath bomb. For me, it’s Golden Wonder, ever since I used it in 2013. From that moment I was hooked! This bath bomb is a gift, literally. It’s got a surprise inside and the scent is one of the best scents from the Christmas range. If you want to know why I love this bath bomb so much, keep on reading, because I’m about to persuade you into buying at least twenty of these babies.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

Silver bells, silver bells, silver all the way! When I smelled Silver Bells in the store, I immediately fell in love. Finally a completely other scent than the regular Christmas jellies, like Butterbear and Santa’s Belly. Together with Drummers Drumming I tossed it into my shopping basket, and today you’ll read everything about it!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

To be honest, picking out products to review on this blog is being done completely random. Of course I tend to order products with a scent that I like, but with Jumping Juniper, I had no idea what the scent would be like! I didn’t even know for what hair type it would be. But I do this with a purpose. I can’t always review products that I like, because some products would never be reviewed on my blog. And if I really don’t like a product, I can always make my friends or family happy with it. Today I’ll be reviewing Jumping Juniper shampoo bar!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.