
If you’d ask me what my favorite scent by Lush is, I’d hesitate between answering Intergalactic and Celebrate. They’re both amazing scents, and I’m obsessed with getting every product that’s ever been made with this scent. Luckily, the lovely Laura (@glitterybaths) would sell me her Intergalactic Body Scrub, because she isn’t a big fan of the Intergalactic scent. It’s not for sale at the moment, but I’m hoping it will be someday.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Calling out all 90’s and 90’s kids! Lush has teamed up with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for an amazing collaboration. I remember watching this show with my brother when we were younger. Lush PR team was so kind enough to send me the products, and I can’t be more excited to try everything out. Today I’m kicking off with our big, pink enemy—Krang!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

I was absolutely stunned when I received the Bridgerton products. Not only because I feel so lucky and grateful to receive such a beautiful PR gift, but also because all the products look SO GOOD. I couldn’t wait to try out all the products. I was immediately attracted to the stunning bath bomb ‘Colour, Clarity, Carat, Cut’. It’s a diamond shaped bath bomb with the imprint of a crown. It contains my two favorite colors: pink and blue! If you’re curious about this beauty, keep on reading.

I’ve been in love with Lush’s scrubs lately. I’ve always had a deep-rooted love for Lush scrubs, but some of their new scrubs seem to have a different texture, which I love even more than the regular liquid ones. I’ve been obsessed with The Old Songs Are Waking, but I’ve found myself to keep buying the newer scrubs whenever they’re released. Today I’ll be reviewing another sugar scrub for you, which is one from the delicious and mouth-watering smelling Sticky Dates scent family.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Today my Lush x Shrek order arrived, and I’m accidentally in love. I love the Shrek movies, so this collab definitely screamed my name. They launched six products, and since I have no backbone when it comes to Lush, I just decided to buy everything. I was particularly curious about the bath products, so I decided to start off with the main character’s bath bomb, and today you can read my in-depth review on this bath bomb!

When I posted on my Instagram Story that I needed an Intergalactic Body Spray to exist, fellow Lushie @lunarangst told me there was, in fact, an Intergalactic Glitter Mist. Wait, what?!! Then this heaven-sent angel offered me to grab me one from her nearest Lush store. I didn’t even hesitate. I didn’t care how much it would cost, or how much the shipping costs would be, I NEEDED this product. A few weeks later I received it in the mail, and today I’ll be reviewing this exclusive product!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.

Recently Lush launched 7 new bath bombs, which were already available in the Harajuku store in Japan. Last year I had already reviewed three of those (Flight, Roar and Temple in the Skies) but Tengri also piqued my interest. It has an interesting shape and I’m a sucker for sky blue colored baths, so it was inevitable that I would buy it. Today I’m reviewing this beaut!
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

Yesterday I wrote about Snowcake perfume, but I also bought the shower gel a while ago. Of course I had to, because if there’s one wonderful winter scent (besides Yog Nog 🧡), it’s Snowcake! Although I wasn’t really negative about the perfume, I wasn’t very positive as well. So.. I’m pretty curious how I’ll like this one! If you’re curious as well, make sure you keep on reading.

I was pretty hesitate when I saw the new perfumes in the webshop. Did I wanted to buy this perfume or not? I was planning on a no buy month, since paying for every product on my blog can get a bit expensive (especially with all those releases lately!). Don’t get me wrong: I LOVE buying Lush for my blog, and I mostly buy stuff I really use myself, so it’s two birds with one stone for me. But still, I wanted to try to not buy Lush for a month. And I didn’t even plan on buying those new limited perfumes! And as you can see, that went really well! 🙄 After a long discussion with myself, I decided to buy Snowcake perfume. And while I was at it, why not buy 29 High St. as well? Yeah, I’m weak lol. Anyway, enjoy this Snowcake perfume review! I broke my no buy month for it, so y’all better read it.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Hi loves! As you might know already, Lush is bringing out 101 bubble bars. Better yet, they already did — in the Harajuku store in Japan! And the best news is that all these bubble bars, just like with the Harajuku bath bombs, will be coming to the rest of the world in March 2020. I’ve found some photos and information on some of the new bubble bars and decided to share it with you! Check it out and let me know what you’re most excited about in the comments.
EDIT June 19th: Lush has been pretty quiet regarding the second launch, but today Lush Den Haag (a Dutch Lush store) posted the following to their Story:

It’s Dutch and it basically says “okay, let’s be serious now. We’re launching new bubble bars soon. We need your help!” followed by screenshots of the bubble bars pictured above, and the ability the vote for them. Looks like a second launch is happening, but it’s not known which bubble bars will be released. I’m also not sure if the launch date will still be June 26. I’ve asked them, but I haven’t gotten any response yet. As soon as I know more, I’ll update this blog post!
EDIT 2: Lush Den Haag says the launch date is a surprise, but they’ll be expecting them “this summer”.