
If you’d ask me what my favorite scent by Lush is, I’d hesitate between answering Intergalactic and Celebrate. They’re both amazing scents, and I’m obsessed with getting every product that’s ever been made with this scent. Luckily, the lovely Laura (@glitterybaths) would sell me her Intergalactic Body Scrub, because she isn’t a big fan of the Intergalactic scent. It’s not for sale at the moment, but I’m hoping it will be someday.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

When I spotted the new Giant Intergalatic Bath Bomb, I couldn’t be more excited. Like, not even a bit. I’m a huge fan of Intergalactic, so imagine how happy I was when I saw this big boy. It’s a whopping 425 grams (a ‘normal’ Intergalactic is 200 gram) and it even contains a little surprise inside. Out of the 28 new bath bombs (of which I bought about 20) this is the second one for me to review. If you’re curious, keep on reading!

This month’s Lush Kitchen box was filled with Halloween goodies, and one of them was Demon in the Shower, a loved retro product amongst oldschool Lushies. This spooky shower gel contains peppermint and apple, which sounds like an amazing combination. Today you can read all about it!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.

Today it’s the turn of the last Japan exclusive – Roar. Roar is a green bath bomb shaped like a dinosaur, in case you’ve.. missed it. I love dinosaurs, so if I wouldn’t have won this one, I’d definitely buy it. Also, because I’ve had three Japan exclusives in the past three days, the urge to go to the Harajuku store in Japan has become even greater. I’m so curious to the rest of the Japan exclusives. Let’s hope that one day, I can plan a trip to Japan. That would be so awesome! But first things first — let’s toss this green monster into the tub and find out if he can swim.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading!

Good morning! Today I have another review and demonstration of one of Lush’s main bath bombs. Intergalactic doesn’t only have a cool name, also its appearance is very pretty. And in the tub? It’s like floating through space, amongst the stars. At least, that’s what Lush says. I decided to step into my rocketship and put this beautiful aesthetically bath bomb to the test. If you’re curious, keep on reading!
This article is originally written in 2015 in Dutch, it has been translated and rewritten in 2019.