
When I received this product, I could’ve sworn it’s a soap. It wasn’t till I looked up the ingredients for this blog post that I saw it’s actually a body scrub! I love body scrubs and I rarely use soaps by Lush, so I’m happy. Today I’ll be reviewing this product, so if you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Power to the flowers! As a true botanical dork, I had to have this bath bomb. It is chock full of sunflower petals, but it also has a muslin cloth wrapped around it. Interesting! I clearly didn’t know you could just leave everything in the cloth while bathing, so I untyed it. Well, that became quite a mess. So learn from my mistake and don’t untie it. Having that said, today I’ll show you this floral bath bomb. If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.