tea tree

Dream Cream is one of my favorite products by Lush. Its amazing scent and results have made me a big fan of this product, so the arrival of Oaty Dreamy Creamy (formerly known as 101 Salvations) in 2017 was more than welcome. I couldn’t wait to combine these two products for my dry ass skin, so time for a review.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

If you ask people to name one product by Lush they know, they will probably answer Dream Cream. This product is a cult product — it’s actually Lush their bestselling product ever! This product has hundreds and hundreds of positive reviews, with an average rating of 4.6. It’s a formula that has helped a LOT of people with their dry skin, sensitive skin, skin irritations, eczema, psoriasis, you name it. It’s a lifesaver, and since I’ve been using this product for years as well, I thought it’d be finally time for a review and tell you why I love it so much.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Whilst discovering all the new naked products, I came across Tea Totaler. I had already tested Gritty Politti, Jade Roller and Sleepy Face. I liked using those, so I decided to buy the other two as well. I started using Tea Totaler for more than a week, and today the results are in! If you’re curious about this cleansing balm and the verdict, then keep on reading.