yummy mummy

PLEASE READ: This review was originally written in 2013 on my Dutch blog. I have translated this blog post, and also altered some of the information in this review since a lot of things changed since 2013. Even though I try to create a good blog post for you, please note that there can be some information that’s outdated or different nowadays. It’s also a strong possibility that the appearances of the products have changed since then.
If you have as many Lush shower gels as I do, it’s nearly an impossible task to review them all separately. (Edit 2024: I wrote this in 2013 when I reviewed a LOT of products, not just Lush, that’s why I didn’t do a in-depth review on these Lush products) That’s why I decided to review 5 shower gels in 1 blog post today! I’ll talk about each of the shower gel’s scent and if I liked it or not, so you’ll know exactly what shower gel to buy!

The Valentine’s Day range hit the stores (and webshop) and I couldn’t be happier. Don’t get me wrong, I love the winter products, but seeing all these cute and cheerful spring products really make my heart beat faster. So when I received my order yesterday, I didn’t know how fast I had to fill up the tub. Love Locket has made its debut again this year, but with a small make over, and I was very excited to give it a try!
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

Yesterday I told you guys that I had won three Lush bath bombs on Instagram. And not just three bath bombs, but three bath bombs that are Japan exclusive! As a Harajuku range enthusiastic, I was so happy to review those beauties. I dove into the tub with Temple in the Skies immediately, but today’s it’s Flight’s turn. Somehow it hurts to throw these gorgeous bath bombs into the tub, but on the other hands I’m also reaaally curious how they look like in the water! If you’re curious too, then keep on reading.

If Lush taught me one thing, it’s that size doesn’t matter. A small one can perform just as good as a big sized one. This small bath bomb (yes, I was talking about bath bombs, you pervert) will turn your bath into Strawberry Fields, while being one of the cheaper bath bombs from the Harajuku range. Today I’ll show you how this little guy performs in the bath. Yes, still talking about a bath bomb here.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.