In case you’re wondering — yes, this is a Lush bath bomb, and no, I’m afraid you can’t buy it in Europe or North America. 😪 Only in the Harajuku store in Japan. Temple in the Skies is one of the 89 Harajuku bath bombs that were launched earlier this year. Of all 89, 54 have come to Europe and North America. That means, there’s still 35 remaining bath bombs, of which Temple in the Skies is one of them.
And to answer your next question: I won this bath bomb! On Instagram, one of my favourite Lush accounts, @lushestpanda, was having a giveaway and guess who won? ME! I feel so lucky and blessed. Look at how gorgeous this bath bomb is. It’s almost too pretty to use… but I did it anyway.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

When I was looking through the reviews on my blog, I noticed there are some main range bath bombs that I’ve never reviewed yet. I reviewed some of them in Dutch, but that was years ago. After all the Harajuku bath bombs, I felt like I needed to review the main range bath bombs as well, so I immediately did a bit of a shopping. I bought a bunch of classics and today I’ll start with my review on Sex Bomb — my favorite scent by Lush!
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

In this blog post you will find a list (and photos below!) for all the Halloween and Christmas products this year. Don’t click further if you don’t want to know!
Products in orange are Halloween products, the rest is Christmas range. This blog post will be updated when I have new information or more photos. The list may be incomplete or contain some mistakes; if so, please let me know! Also, if you have better photos or some of the missing ingredients lists, please feel free to contact me.
I have been working on finding out what scents the products are, by taking a good look at the ingredients. There is always a possibility that products sharing the same ingredients, could smell differently. Therefore, I could be wrong with some of the scents. Please don’t hold me responsible for that! 😂
Halloween products will be up: September 13th
Christmas products will be up: September 24th
I’ve put a lot of time of work in creating this list. You may copy or share it, but a credit or a link back would be greatly appreciated! 😊 Enjoy this list and let me know what you think of the upcoming products by leaving a comment.
UPDATE AUGUST 9TH: I’ve added some new photos of the bath bombs! I found them at purrx’s Instagram. Scroll down to see the photos.
UPDATE AUGUST 10TH: Added some more photos. Credit goes to @allthingslushau!
UPDATE AUGUST 15TH: Added more photos, thanks to the amazing @allthingslushau!
UPDATE SEPTEMBER 11: Added some photos of the Christmas products and the prices known so far (scroll all the way down)

When I was in Liverpool (I swear, I feel like all my intros start like this for the couple past months) I bought this gorgeous shower bomb, along with some other shower bombs. I would go back to Liverpool for this shower bomb alone! It’s not just beautiful to see, it also has a great scent and is exactly the reason why I love jasmine. I wanted to wait as long as possible with writing this blog post, so I could enjoy the scent longer. But now that the amount of products I have left to review is shrinking, there’s nothing left for me than to review this product. So, I did. And today you can read all about my experience with this tantric bomb!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.

Need a soothing, relaxing soak? Why not fill up the tub with lots of tea! Pop the kettle on and turn on the hot water, it’s time to unwind. Tea and Sympathy may not be a spectacular bath bomb to see — but it knows exactly how to reset your mind. Today I’ll show you how I liked this bath bomb from the Harajuku range.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

When I was in Liverpool, I already spotted this jelly from far away. There was a huge text above the jelly: PARTY EXCLUSIVE. Aka, not for sale. You have to book a party there in order to get one. Pfft. I was very disappointed, especially after I smelled it. A wonderful scent that smelled very familiar to me.. after a quick check, Crash appears to be sharing its scent with Celebrate. Perhaps better known as Buck’s Fizz, Bubbly or Golden Wonder — one of my favorite scents of Lush. So I could barely contain my excitement when I saw the Party Exclusives for sale in the UK webshop, and immediately bought some. Unfortunately it’s no longer for sale, but since Lush is full of surprises, I decided to just review it anyway.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

It’s time for a perfume blog post! I actually only buy body sprays from Lush, but when I was in Liverpool I got a perfume consult from one of the lovely employees there. It wasn’t my intention to buy a perfume, but because I’m such an awkward penguin who didn’t want to walk away empty-handed after the employee consulted me for 30 minutes, I bought something anyway. Otherwise I would feel so guilty towards the employee 🤦🏻♀️ (Please tell me I’m not the only one who does this, lol) After smelling all kinds of complex Lush perfumes for about 30 minutes, I decided to just buy the first one I liked, and that happened to be Love. And today, I will tell you all about Love.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Last Sunday I already got my early birthday present; a new camera, the Sony A58. The old camera that I had was from 2007, and pretty much outdated. The camera I have now has more functions, and also 20 megapixels instead of 10.2! 😍 I wanted to test out immediately, so I threw The Experimenter into the tub. It’s packed with colors, so perfect for modelling for my camera. I already reviewed it on my Dutch blog in 2015, but it was about time for a new, updated review. (And also one in English!)
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

Forget protein shakes – protein sprays are the shit right now. Lush Liverpool surprised us with this protein spray for strong and healthy hair. This sounded like music to my hair ears, since my hair has been pretty damaged from dyeing it often. Lush has been releasing some incredible hair products lately, but #Gains couldn’t be skipped. After having it used for weeks, today is when I finally share my thoughts on this product!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.

A bath bomb that contains lavender? Bring it on, baby. I love me some lavender. The calming and soothing scent is one that I’ll never grow tired of. Deep Sleep was therefore an absolute must have for me, since this pretty bath bomb, wrapped in biodegradable muslin, is packed with soothing lavender. Today I’ll drop it into the water, so if you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.
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