29 high st

Recently I wrote a review on the Snowcake perfume. Lush released a few perfumes as part of the Community Favourites a while ago, including Snowcake, but also this gem 29 High St. As a big fan of this scent, I had to have this perfume. You might be familiar with this scent because of the Aubergine bath bomb (and soap), which is now back and is here to stay, except for the soap. Anyway, today I’ll be reviewing this classic scent for you.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Lush has been on a roll lately. They’re launching like, sixteen hundred products all at once, including a few new jellies. (Europe and UK only though) I was determined NOT to buy any of the new jellies. I mean, I needed to save my money for those 54 new bath bombs as well. I really need a second mortgage in the mean time to pay for all those new products.
So, no more jellies, I said. And as you can, that plan failed. What a surprise. I DID only buy 3 though! One of them is 29 High St., which smells like a Lush store. Yep, you read that right. From now on, in addition to already buying half the store’s contents, you can also take home the scent.
Are you curious about my opinion on this jelly, then keep on reading.