christmas 2019

Hi loves! Let’s talk lip scrubs today. How often do you use them? I do own a few lip scrubs, but I actually never use them. And I really should, though! Now that it’s cold outside, my lips have been suffering a bit. They’re chapped and feel very dry. Oh, the misery. So, my new goal is to use the lip scrubs more often. This Galaxy lip scrub was in the advent calendar, but luckily it’s also available separately. Today I’ll be reviewing this very blue lip scrub for y’all!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.

Nose almost freezing off? Can’t feel your fingers anymore? Or do you look like Rudolph, with his big, red, shiny nose? No panic, Fireball bath bomb got your back. Throw this fireball into the tub for a warming bathing session. This bath bomb will warm up your muscles while you enjoy its delicious, cozy ingredients. I was very curious about this bath bomb, so on a cold day, I decided to give it a go.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

This longstanding bath bomb isn’t only loved by the majority of Lush fans, it’s also very popular in my bathtub. I already reviewed it in January this year — but not in English! Because I thought the photos needed to be updated anyway, I just decided to write a new blog post about this beauty. I brought it with me to the bathroom and we dove right into the tub. If you’re curious how that turned out, keep on reading!

Gray, dark and gloomy days. Autumn has a lot of those for us, so what better than creating your own moment of happiness in the bathroom? Pop Art is a cheerful looking bath bomb, reading to fill our tubs with some rays of sunshine. I decided to toss this chunky boi in the bath, and today you can read all about it.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

Lush is pretty known for their soaps, but that’s actually one of the products I don’t use from them. Though I could not ignore the fact that this soap is gorgeous looking, begging to be used. When I saw on social media that this soap contains a completely different color underneath the glittery layer, I couldn’t wait to give it a try,
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

This year my favorite Christmas cleanser is stripping down. It used to be in a black pot, but now they’ve put a wrapped straight out the ocean around it. I was very curious if this product would now differ from previous years, so I went and tested it for you.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

A few weeks ago, when I was about to leave my home to do some groceries, the mail man stopped in front of my house. He handed me a Lush parcel, but.. I didn’t order anything? Or did I? Was I loosing my mind? When I unpacked it, the first thing I saw was a note that was included, saying it was a gift — from a very sweet Lush employee in the UK! (Thank you again, lovely!) So sweet, and it made me so happy. This cute penguin was one of the products that was inside. I love ‘animal bath bombs’, but especially penguins are awesome. Today we’re both diving into the tub!
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

A pink bath bomb? Need it. Even if it smells like Snow Fairy! Sure, as a Snow Fairy hater I’ve had my doubts (although I must admit that this year’s Snow Fairy smells way better!) but the curiosity won in the end. Feeling brave, I took this hot pink Amazeball home with me.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

What do you do when you’re feeling moody and meh? You take a warm, nice bath with your all time favorite bath bomb. For me, it’s Golden Wonder, ever since I used it in 2013. From that moment I was hooked! This bath bomb is a gift, literally. It’s got a surprise inside and the scent is one of the best scents from the Christmas range. If you want to know why I love this bath bomb so much, keep on reading, because I’m about to persuade you into buying at least twenty of these babies.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

Where were you, when you find out that Perle de Sel wasn’t coming back this Christmas? I remember it very well. A black day in my life. Perle de Sel was on its way becoming my favourite Christmas bath bomb, until… they decided not to bring it back this year. How crude can you be? Perle de Sel was a beautiful bath bomb, Snowcake-scented, aka the best Christmas scent. But… there is a bath bomb this year with the Snowcake scent! But is it as beautiful as Perle de Sel? Let’s find out.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.