
PLEASE READ: This review was originally written in 2013 on my Dutch blog. I have translated this blog post, and also altered some of the information in this review since a lot of things changed since 2013. Even though I try to create a good blog post for you, please note that there can be some information that’s outdated or different nowadays. It’s also a strong possibility that the appearances of the products have changed since then.
A hair conditioner and a hair perfume, all in one. But, in Lush style: deliciously smelling of vanilla milkshakes, and packed with natural ingredients. This is one of my favorite products by Lush. They have multiple hair conditioners, of which I knew I liked at least of them (Happy Happy Joy Joy) but ordering American Cream was a pure guess for me. I trusted Lush enough to like the scent.. and when it arrived, I couldn’t be happier. The scent was amazing–a sweet mix of strawberries, milkshakes and over expensive hairsalon products. And how do I like the effects of this conditioner? That you’ll read it this review.

Lush has a variety of very popular products. Dream Cream is one of them, but Lemony Flutter as well — and not without reason! This bestselling product has been around since 2005 (thank you @lush.scents for your eternal knowledge ♥), and when I Google this product, countless of product reviews come up. But shockingly, I never reviewed this product! Shame on me, I know. But no worries, today I will finally review this product!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.

As a true horror movie fanatic, I could not skip this bath oil. This mask from the Scream movies is iconic, and Lush has definitely noticed that. You don’t have to be afraid of Ghostface no longer, it won’t come after you with a razor sharp knife. On the contrary — this is the perfect opportunity for you to to take revenge for all the sleepless nights you’ve had because of him, and drown him with your own bare hands, without feeling bad about it. Today I’ll tell you all about this bath oil, so if you’re not afraid… keep on reading! (By the way.. did you know that the person behind the Ghostface mask, Billy Loomis, is played by FP Jones from Riverdale?)

If Lush taught me one thing, it’s that size doesn’t matter. A small one can perform just as good as a big sized one. This small bath bomb (yes, I was talking about bath bombs, you pervert) will turn your bath into Strawberry Fields, while being one of the cheaper bath bombs from the Harajuku range. Today I’ll show you how this little guy performs in the bath. Yes, still talking about a bath bomb here.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

While browsing the webshop awhile back, Marshmallow World immediately caught my attention, and not just because of its gorgeous pink color. Apparently this bath bomb shares its scent with the well known American Cream conditioner! The decision to buy this bath bomb was quickly made, as you can imagine. After I enjoyed its scent for a few weeks while it sat on my desk, I decided to put it to use yesterday.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, keep on reading.