
Cleansing my face has become a fun thing to do these days, thanks to the Lush cleansers. I truly enjoy using them, so I figured I’d review one of their most popular cleanser — Angels on Bare Skin. Let The Good Times Roll has been a long time favorite of mine, so let’s see if this one’s just as good!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.

I was kinda surprised when I found out that I never reviewed this product on my (English) blog. I mean I reviewed it on my Dutch blog, but that was 11 years ago! Yes, you read that right–Let The Good Times Roll has been one of my favorite products since 2013, when my love for Lush started. I recently ordered a new pot, so I figured this would be a perfect time for finally reviewing this product! I’ll tell you all about this product, and of course why it’s such a big favorite of mine.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

There will always be products that others swear by, but of which you’ve never understood the hype. For me it was Ocean Salt. It’s not that I dislike it, but it just never seal-iously grabbed my attention. Like the name suggests, this scrub is packed with ingredients of which I’m shore they’re good for your skin. Today I shell tell you all about this scrub.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

This year my favorite Christmas cleanser is stripping down. It used to be in a black pot, but now they’ve put a wrapped straight out the ocean around it. I was very curious if this product would now differ from previous years, so I went and tested it for you.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Since I put makeup on my face, I use facial wipes to get it off at night. Through the years a lot ended up in the trash can. How many would it be? Thousands? Easily. It’s not really environment friendly/biologically responsible — facial wipes make up 93% of matter causing sewer blockages in the UK. That’s why I was pretty curious about these biodegradable alternatives for facial wipes, called 7 to 3 facial cleanser. Completely naked, and completely vegan. Let’s try it out!