
Where I live (The Netherlands) Mother’s Day is being celebrated on May 9. Because it is celebrated in England on March 14, the Mother’s Day range has already launched over there! Good excuse to place an UK order. A little risky, since due Brexit you have to pay customs tax when you order from UK, but since it wasn’t happening on every parcel, I decided to just take my chances. Results: I had to pay 30 euro customs tax :’) But it was worth it, because now I get to review the Mother’s Day goodies before they launch in Europe and NA. Let’s start with this beauty today!
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

After all the cute bubble bars we’ve had the past few days, I’ve got something completely different for you today. A lot of you were curious about this golden finger, which is in my opinion one of Lush weirdest bubble bars 😂 But hey, it’s gold, it sparkles and it smells of a very well known Lush scent family. Today I’m going to review this brand new bubble stick for you!
If you’re curious about this bubble bar, then keep on reading.

What do you do when you’re feeling moody and meh? You take a warm, nice bath with your all time favorite bath bomb. For me, it’s Golden Wonder, ever since I used it in 2013. From that moment I was hooked! This bath bomb is a gift, literally. It’s got a surprise inside and the scent is one of the best scents from the Christmas range. If you want to know why I love this bath bomb so much, keep on reading, because I’m about to persuade you into buying at least twenty of these babies.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

How on earth could I’ve skipped this bath bomb? I’m in love with the Golden Pear scent — ever since the soap came out a few years ago. This gorgeous bath bomb recently became a part of the scent family, but unfortunately, it’ll be discontinued soon. Before that happens, I needed to give it a try. And to be honest, I think it’s a pretty underrated bath bomb. If you’re curious as to why, keep on reading!

Another day, another bath bomb. I can get used to this, taking daily baths. It’s funny though, because I had sweared that I would not buy a single bath bomb out of the 54.. I’m at 22 bath bombs now 🙄 But like I said earlier this week, I am really enjoying these baths. I’m enjoying Lush and I’m enjoying all these new products, so why not? Yesterday I used another great bath bomb, and today I will show it to you. And if you wonder how many bath bombs you can expect to be reviewed: I still have 12 laying around to be tested..
If you’re curious about Kitsune, then keep on reading!

I can’t believe that this is already the last bath bomb from the Easter collection that I will be reviewing! This glittering egg is a bath bomb, but it’s also a bath melt. The result: a bath full of glitter, you full of glitter, everything full of glitter. I could not have wished for a better bathing session. Anyway, let’s find out what this bath bomb looks like in the tub!
If you’re curious, keep on reading.

Are you looking for a bubble bar with lots of glitter? Stop your quest, grab your wallet, put on your coat (very important, it’s cold outside) run to nearest Lush and throw Love Token in your shopping basket. (Or immediately throw in sixteen) This bubble bar has not only a great smell but also a LOT of glitter. Are you curious? Then read on. I know you want it.

Nope, that’s not a typing error in the title. This naughty bubble bar is inspired by the song Open Your Heart by Madonna. If you separate the two halves, it looks like Madonna’s iconic pointy bra. How cheeky of Lush. Since this bubble bra shares its scent with the mouthwatering Golden Pear scent family, I had to have it. If you’re curious about this bubble bra, keep on reading!

There are scents of Lush that will always stay with you. For me, this was the case with Snowcake, a discontinued soap from the Christmas collection. Perhaps you still remember the hand cream Smitten? It was my holy grail, mainly because of the scent. It was sad to see Snowcake go, but fortunately for me, someone told me that Perle de Sel shares its scent with Snowcake. Sooo.. I’m sure you can imagine my excitement. And a few days later, a truck stopped in front of our house, loading six pallets of Perle de Sel bath bomb. Just kidding. Maybe.
If you’d like to know more about this bath bomb, then keep on reading!