
This blog post has been written by guest blogger T.
Evelien has kindly invited me to post my Lush perfume reviews on her blog, after she saw them on Reddit. I have a passion for fragrances and writing and I am so happy I finally found a way to combine the two!
In my 25 years I have tried roughly 100 Lush perfumes and body sprays. They are so special and unique but also… not the cheapest. This is why I always do my best to give a detailed scent description for each and every one, so you can make an informed purchase-decision.
Our garden is covered in a beautiful blanket of snow, the fireplace is burning and I have a mug of hot tea in front of me – the circumstances don’t get any more perfect for writing a review!

I was pretty hesitate when I saw the new perfumes in the webshop. Did I wanted to buy this perfume or not? I was planning on a no buy month, since paying for every product on my blog can get a bit expensive (especially with all those releases lately!). Don’t get me wrong: I LOVE buying Lush for my blog, and I mostly buy stuff I really use myself, so it’s two birds with one stone for me. But still, I wanted to try to not buy Lush for a month. And I didn’t even plan on buying those new limited perfumes! And as you can see, that went really well! 🙄 After a long discussion with myself, I decided to buy Snowcake perfume. And while I was at it, why not buy 29 High St. as well? Yeah, I’m weak lol. Anyway, enjoy this Snowcake perfume review! I broke my no buy month for it, so y’all better read it.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

Do you remember the article I wrote about my sale haul? I showed you guys that I scored this Ectoplasm perfume. Normally it’s 25 euros, now it was only 12,50, which made this a great bargain. Today I’ll be reviewing this perfume, showing you the pro’s and cons. Let’s read on!