
Typical Evelien: finding out this blog post is still unfinished, wanting to finish it for publication, and then finding out you have already given away the jelly. Unlike me, my lovely niece (hi Ilse!) loves this scent, so I gifted this jelly to her. So there was a little moment of ‘oh fuck’ when I found out this blog post was still awaiting publication — I only just needed to test the product! Fortunately, the sweet Zarina was so kind to send me a sample of this product, so I could test it and finally finish this blog post. 😅 So: today you can finally read my review on this (discontinued) product!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.

When I heard about the new products, I was incredibly excited — but mostly because of Nana! It was rumored that this yellow shower gel would share its scent with Let The Good Times Roll, the well-known popcorn facial cleanser with scrumptious scent. This was soon confirmed by one of Lush’s product inventors — much to the delight of many Lushies, myself included, because Let The Good Times Roll is just such a heavenly scent. When I asked on Instagram which product you’d like to read about first, Nana was in the first place. So, here it is, my review on Nana!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.

Yesterday I received such a cool package! It was an envelope full of beautiful jewelry, handmade by Dieuwke. In her Etsy store called Zebranas she offers a wide range of Lush-inspired creations. Today I’ll show you what gems I got from her, but also how incredibly beautiful and detailed these miniatures are 😱

I often talk about having a party in the tub, but with The World’s Smallest Disco this becomes reality! When you throw this disco ball into the tub, the brightly colored lights come alive in the bathroom. It must’ve been a few centuries ago that I used this bath bomb, so time for a new, fresh review.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

Although I initially didn’t plan on buying the bath oil tablets, I thought they looked really nice when I saw them in the store. I decided to bring home Cinnamon Orange — the scent isn’t a surprise, of course. It’s a lovely, wintery scent, which comes in handy for whenever you need a little warming up. I took it home with me and today i’ll review it for you!

Meet Chris, our flamboyant and spicy camel this season. Covered with stars and with a colorful saddle on his hump, he is ready to fill our bath with scent and color. It’s one of the fun shaped bath bombs this season. Because Chris is spicy as well, I decided to toss him into my bath yesterday. It was cold and rainy outside, I was chilly and I was craving a nice, warm bath.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

When I heard of the Amazeballs, I wasn’t blown away, to be honest. Until I saw Jingle Bells in real life! This massive, white with pink bath bomb struck me with a very familiar scent. When the Lush employee held the bath bomb next to my ear and gave it a good shake, I could hear there was something inside this bath bomb. Oooh, what could it be? Little stars? Sea salt? Someone’s soul? You never know with Lush. So, curious as I am, I took this bath bomb home with me. And today I’ll tell you all about it!
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

Fall is upon us, and with that comes my love for all things spicy. I’m fond of warm and spicy scents, especially when it’s getting colder outside. New shampoo bar is one that perfectly meets my expectations. The spicy scent is one that is very welcome right now, giving me all the autumn vibes! I was able to test this shampoo bar for a few weeks, thanks to my recently break from blogging (sorry about that, by the way — wasn’t feeling well) so if you’re curious about my opinion.. keep on reading!

Brush your teeth with a jelly? Well, it took me a while to get used to that idea. I’m someone who likes to stick with her regular products. Lush already made me step out of my comfort zone a few times, I mean.. I’ve brushed my teeth with tabs that I had to chew on, I showered myself with a wobbly pudding (a shower jelly), I put sea salt in my hair, so yeah.. as far as I’m concerned, I’m already doing pretty well trying out new stuff 😂 A bit hesitant, I took this toothpaste jelly with me to the bathroom. After having it used a few times, I’m ready to give you my opinion about it.
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!

If there’s one product that I’m very curious about, it is the Yog Nog shower gel. I am a big fan of the Yog Nog scent, ever since the first soap came out in 2014. It would inevitable that they would release a shower gel one day, as this scent family has built up a large fan base over the years. This shower gel was in the advent calendar that I bought, and today I’ll tell you all about it!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading!