
Leave it to Lush to create some cool, innovative products. Take this Crayon for example — unleash your inner van Gogh and then put on the tap for lots of bubbles. Bubbles smelling like Iced Wine! Oldschool Lushies may remember this delicious Lush scent, it was a amazing scent. Today I’m reviewing Crayon for you!
If you’re curious about this bubble bar, then keep on reading.

Nose almost freezing off? Can’t feel your fingers anymore? Or do you look like Rudolph, with his big, red, shiny nose? No panic, Fireball bath bomb got your back. Throw this fireball into the tub for a warming bathing session. This bath bomb will warm up your muscles while you enjoy its delicious, cozy ingredients. I was very curious about this bath bomb, so on a cold day, I decided to give it a go.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

No matter how cold it is outside, there is always a Lush product to warm yourself up with. The shower bomb that I am going to review today is one of them. It’s packed with spicy oils and a scent that will warm up the most cold hearted souls! Since I always enjoy using and testing the shower bombs, I enthusiastically left the Lush store with three shower bombs in my bag. Today I’m going to review Rudolph Nose for you, so if you’re curious, make sure you keep on reading.