
If I ever go to Japan, one of the reasons for my visit would be to see the beautiful cherry blossoms. Although we also have some cherry blossoms in the Netherlands, I find the appearance of hundreds of these trees so magical. Because of my love for this beautiful tree with pink flowers, I couldn’t ignore Cherry Blossom while shopping in the UK webshop. It looks so cute — and the scent must be delicious! I decided to give this bubble bar a try. If you’re curious, keep on reading!

I had already ordered from the Valentine’s Day range, when I read somewhere that these two bubble bars share their scent with Yog Nog. And even though I wasn’t too keen on the price of these two, I knew that I HAD to order these. So, order #2 happened. I felt a bit guilty though, but that feeling of guilt quickly dissapeared when the bubble bars arrived. They smelt better than I could imagine. I’ve been smelling them for about 2,5 hours before I was able to put them down. Okay, maybe that’s a bit exaggerated. Or is it? Anyway, keep on reading if you want to know all about these twins.