
Leave it to Lush to create a naughty, cheeky Valentine’s Day collection. They’ve really done a good job with this range, including this nekkid man and his buttocks. I’m not someone who is a fan of using massage bars, but since there was a demand for a blog post on this product, I decided to just give it a try. If you’re curious if this guy has false promises or if he can actually make his words come true, make sure you keep on reading!

All aboard the Love Boat! This cute bath bomb is part of the Valentine’s Day collection, and its cheerful colors are very inviting to step on board. Moreover, in a collection where the other bath bombs are pretty pricey, this bath bomb isn’t as expensive as some other bath bombs. Seems to me, this is one to cherish. And to stock up on! But first, let me review it for you.
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

The Valentine’s Day range hit the stores (and webshop) and I couldn’t be happier. Don’t get me wrong, I love the winter products, but seeing all these cute and cheerful spring products really make my heart beat faster. So when I received my order yesterday, I didn’t know how fast I had to fill up the tub. Love Locket has made its debut again this year, but with a small make over, and I was very excited to give it a try!
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

Are you looking for a bubble bar with lots of glitter? Stop your quest, grab your wallet, put on your coat (very important, it’s cold outside) run to nearest Lush and throw Love Token in your shopping basket. (Or immediately throw in sixteen) This bubble bar has not only a great smell but also a LOT of glitter. Are you curious? Then read on. I know you want it.

This week I ordered the American Cream shower gel, and I just couldn’t help myself but to order this product as well. Using a body conditioner combined with a shower gel is just the ultimate jackpot for me. It’s like a double party in the shower! Today I’ll be telling you all about this body conditioner.
If you want to know what I think of this pink body conditioner, keep on reading!

Nope, that’s not a typing error in the title. This naughty bubble bar is inspired by the song Open Your Heart by Madonna. If you separate the two halves, it looks like Madonna’s iconic pointy bra. How cheeky of Lush. Since this bubble bra shares its scent with the mouthwatering Golden Pear scent family, I had to have it. If you’re curious about this bubble bra, keep on reading!

Just when you think you’ve saw it all, Lush decides to create a bath bomb shaped like an aubergine. An aubergine, guys. Let that sink in. Of course its based on the ambiguous aubergine emoji (admit it, you’ve also used this emoji for non-food related things), which is the theme of the Valentine’s Day range this year. I just knew I had to try this one out. In the tub, that is. Yes lovely people, there’s people out there using this bath bomb for other purposes than bathing.
Keep on reading to find out what I think of this product!

I had already ordered from the Valentine’s Day range, when I read somewhere that these two bubble bars share their scent with Yog Nog. And even though I wasn’t too keen on the price of these two, I knew that I HAD to order these. So, order #2 happened. I felt a bit guilty though, but that feeling of guilt quickly dissapeared when the bubble bars arrived. They smelt better than I could imagine. I’ve been smelling them for about 2,5 hours before I was able to put them down. Okay, maybe that’s a bit exaggerated. Or is it? Anyway, keep on reading if you want to know all about these twins.

When I saw that this pink shower gel called American Cream was part of the Valentine’s Day range, I didn’t have to think twice — I need this in my life! I mean, check out that color. It could be smelling like a turd sprinkled with curry powder and I’d STILL buy it. Fortunately for me, it has the same delicious scent that American Cream hair conditioner does, and since I’m in love with that product, it didn’t take long before my order was delivered.
Curious about how I like it? Then keep on reading!

I like big butts and I cannot lie, you other Lushies can’t deny! This year’s Valentine’s Day range is all inspired by emojis. This Peachy bath bomb doesn’t only have a fun appearance, it also contains some good ingredients, which made me curious about the scent. If you’re curious about this cheeky (see what I did there 👀) bath bomb, then make sure you keep on reading!