
An earthy bath bomb, it never really grabs my attention I must admit. I really do love nature and shit, but in the bathroom I prefer sweet and floral scents. Geo Phyzz therefore remained unused quite a long time after I bought it. That’s also a bit because it is a lot smaller, which somehow keeps me from using. After the Black Rose fiasco two days ago, I didn’t have to worry that it would leave so much mess behind. However, Geo Phyzz disappointed me in a very different way..
If you’re curious about my opinion on this bath bomb, keep on reading.

Like A Virgin is the only naked cleanser that I hadn’t reviewed yet. A while back Lush released five of ’em — Gritty Politti, Jade Roller, Sleepy Face and Tea Totaler. Due to the arrival of 1648 new bath bombs, Like A Virgin was not a priority for reviewing. But now that I have skipped a day of bathing, I was able to work nicely on the review of this naked cleanser. Do you read along?

Lush brought out a bath bomb with one of my favorite fragrance families, Rose Jam. It’s called Black Rose and it’s a Harajuku exclusive. I wasn’t planning on buying this one, because I found the price to be a bit expensive. For that amount of money I want a bath bomb that is REALLY special, and Black Rose didn’t look that special to me. But of course, as always, I ended up buying it anyway because I just couldn’t resist the idea of a bath bomb smelling like Rose Jam.
How I wished that I’ve never bought it. Not only did this bath bomb leave quite an impression, I too left an impression, uh, I mean imprint. Yeah, I know it sounds vague. Just keep on reading.

The most colorful bath bomb from the entire Harajuku range, that’s got to be Groovy Kind of Love. On a gray day this is the perfect bath bomb for you, because the colors will brighten your mood. Groovy Kind of Love was the first bath bomb on my wish list, when I heard of the 54 new bath bombs. Those appealing colors.. let’s test it out!
If you’re curious about this bath bomb, then keep on reading.

For the past two weeks I’ve been taking daily baths, all because I’m testing 17 of the new Harajuku bath bombs. Can you imagine how clean I am? I’m glad (and so is my bank account) that I didn’t buy all 54 of them though, because my skin is starting to get very dry of all that soaking. Yesterday I skipped taking a bath, which means no bath bomb review today. But I do have a review for you on this divine jelly!
If you’re curious about this product, make sure you keep on reading.

Another day, another bath bomb. I can get used to this, taking daily baths. It’s funny though, because I had sweared that I would not buy a single bath bomb out of the 54.. I’m at 22 bath bombs now 🙄 But like I said earlier this week, I am really enjoying these baths. I’m enjoying Lush and I’m enjoying all these new products, so why not? Yesterday I used another great bath bomb, and today I will show it to you. And if you wonder how many bath bombs you can expect to be reviewed: I still have 12 laying around to be tested..
If you’re curious about Kitsune, then keep on reading!

In February Lush launched 12 limited bath bombs, which also included Melusine. I had already bought and reviewed Honey I Washed The Kids and The Olive Branch back then. At that time, I thought 7,50 euros was too expensive (in the UK and USA they’re slightly cheaper), but I seem to have less trouble with it lately. I have no clue why, I think they’re really worth their money. I mean, some people buy a cream of 120 euros, other people buy a highlighter of 40 euros. I buy bath bombs that cost 7,50 euros. SUE ME! When I saw how beautiful Melusine saw, I was like, fuck it. I’m going to buy it, and don’t you try to stop me. Yes, I am that bad ass.
If you’re curious how I like it, keep on reading.

Yesterday morning a package arrived for me, from Lush. I was pretty surprised, as I didn’t order anything. (I had to double check to make sure 🙄) When I openend the package, there was a little card inside, which said “Thank you for all your enthusiastic reviews and the beautiful photos. Hopefully this gift will get you a bit further in trying out all 54 new bath bombs :)”. Wait whaaat? Are you for real? Tears welled up in my eyes, my mouth fell open and my heart skipped a beat. SHOOK.
The package contained 6 bath bombs, 5 of which I never had before. Oh my, I am so grateful and honored and happy. If you’re looking for me, I’m in heaven. But first I’m diving into bath with one my new buddies, named Kappa.
If you’re curious, keep on reading!

The bath bomb that I’m going to review today, is from my second Harajuku haul. First I ordered about 11 bath bombs from the Harajuku range, then later another 6, including this one. The second order I made was a bit of a “shit I actually wanted this” order. I had to have Moon Spell. Pink and baby blue, my two favorite colors! And how cool is that moon shape? Both halves also interlock, which is pretty cool, if you ask me. So, today I will introduce you to Moon Spell.
If you’re curious, keep on reading!

Are you sick of the daily bath bombs reviews yet? If yes, I’m genuinely sorry. I also don’t like having to take a bath every damn day. Just kidding. But I just want to try out as many Harajuku bath bombs as possible, all for you, so you know which ones to buy and which ones NOT to buy. Today I’ll tell you exactly how I think about this crown-shaped bath bomb. Is it worth its money? Is it better to buy one of the other 53 bath bombs? You’ll find out today… if you keep on reading, that is.